April 16, 2005


It runs the term of my days in Colombia, when suddenly I became to chat with the Dancer (April 14th/05). We did it for a while, in those words I said to him I was preparing for leaving this country, Colombia. I told him something wrong happens into my life related to the church and that stuff really hurt me but I hadn’t want to speak about them. Suddenly I was told by him God have specifically a purpose unto my life, and it’s to take the gospel of salvation to my country. His words were “God loves you and He wants you get back to your country and take with you the Gospel of Christ, you gotta win your nation for Christ… Psalm 136”.

This is the forth rhema God gave me, already I know the will of my Lord Father, of course actually I know what I gotta do.

“Give thanks to the Lord” To “thank” here means to give all the glory, to confess the magnificence of the Lord God, give praise to him. The original word (heb: yadaw) comes also from malĂ , which implies to get filled, to become anointed by the divine grace. This is what it means “…Thanks to the Lord” But the psalmist three times says “Give thanks…” We’re told by him “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. Give thanks to the God of gods. Give thanks to the Lord of lords”. Holy Bible says “He is threefold holy”; remember the Living Creatures that are around the throne of the Almighty One, day and night they never stop saying “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty…” (Rev 4:8). With regard of the Living Creatures, Paul says again “…the Living Creatures give glory, honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever” (Rev 4:9).
Do you see the importance of the “three”? I think it’s kinda every “thank” to the Lord is what Paul says about. Give glory to the Lord; give honor the God of gods; give thanks to the Lord of lords. Every one of our “thanks” acclaims the holiness of the Lord Almighty. But I do see beyond the words of the psalmist. He is not only grateful of God, but he calls Him in three ways, Lord for He is good, God of gods, Lord of lords. I guess every one is a part of the character of the Lord God. Jesus said of God “There is only One who is good” (Matthew 19:17); but Thomas also spoke about Jesus and the characteristics of God saying “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). So we’ve the Almighty One is Good, Lord and God.
But what about the phrase which is repeated every verse? “His love endures forever” (New Intl. Version). In the Spanish version (Reina-Valera, 1960) the phrase is “His mercy for us is forever”; in the King James Version the used word is also “mercy”. Let’s see the background of this. “Endure” (“endureth” in KJV) comes from owlam, it’s refers to something hidden, in a time out of the mind, the eternity, something perpetual, old, ancient, antiquity and futurity, which is everlasting forever. This reiterated verse teaches us the mercy and love of God are the fundament and basement of all His doings for His children, but they’re also the origin of all grateful heart of us to Him. Some version says about this phrase in the peshar: His mercy includes His fidelity and His goodness (Bible of study of the Vida Plena. RV, 1960).

All this is good, but what this rhema is saying to me? Well, actually I wish to get back to my country and join the college and the MJI-Toronto, later my will is to built my home (since I’ve no parents nor family) and my ministry. An author wrote “We’re part of a story, part of a tale; sometimes beautiful, sometimes insane”; sometimes I’ve passed by a lot of problems and needs, sometimes I’ve been in a good status and prosperity. I’m not equal as a Canadian to a Latino; due this I’ve had problems with people about my character and cultural background. People often think the other ones must be equal to them; but they don’t understand everyone has an own culture, an identity, a thought, a particular way of life, a personal life’s motto. Politician Bob Kennedy once said “Some men see things as they are, and ask why, I dream of things that never were, and say why not.” Actually I’m sure and proud of my identity, my nation, my people, my culture, my pledge; so I’m giving my life into the God’s hands. I know my dream and God’s calling for me is to take the Gospel to my people. He’s guiding me in all the possible ways, as He shows me His will, what he’d planned for my life, I’m asking myself “why not”. Since I was a little child always I was be amazed and shocked by the Thomas’ words “My Lord and my God”. All what this five words implies themselves. Already I know Thomas was thanking to the Lord for everything, but also for being Himself.

At the same way right now I can say “MY LORD AND MY GOD… THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU… ‘CAUSE YOU’RE GOOD, GOD AND LORD… I GIVE YOU THE HONOR, GLORY AND THANKS…” ‘Cause I love You my Lord; You gave your life for me, how can I give You less?

Of course, thank you too, Dancer.

(April 15/2005)

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